Wordsmithery and Imaginarium

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Weezing the tu-uube. ~ read:my addiction to youtube

On my way back to Toronto, from Midland, I was listening to the radio, and there was an interview with Rivers Cuomo, from Weezer. It was talking about music videos and pop culture and such. They mentioned that they had a new album out and their most recent single 'Pork and Beans' was released as a video on Youtube. So, I got home and checked it out. Again, and again, and again. It was brilliant.

You tube, of course, has been the home for many desktop celebrities and their creations. 'The Evolution of Dance', 'Chocolate Rain', and 'Peanut Butter Jelly Time' are just a few. So, the boys in Weezer decided to hire all these web-celebs to be in their latest video.

I have to admit that I watch far too much youtube on a daily basis. I suppose I am some sort of platonic voyeur.

Please watch and enjoy.

Are we so inspired by these artists and video-mongers, that some of the finest musicians of pop have resorted to youtube for their muses? Weezer is not the first to use the youtube camera-damsels for their own enjoyment. South Park and Family Guy have included them in their shows as well.

Just for a breakdown of who Weezer is paying homage to, the list below details the time and the reference.

:01 - :18 = Canon Rock (funtwo)
:19 - :21 = Dramatic Chipmunk
:22 - :27 = Afro Ninja
:30 - :37 = Eepybirds Coke and Mentos
:38 - :40 = GI Joe PSAs
:47 - :51 = Matt McAllister
:58 - 1:03 = Chris Crocker
1:04 - 1:06 = All your base are belong to us.
1:10 - 1:16 = Mrs South Carolina
1:17 - 1:23 = Numa Numa Guy
1:24 - 1:25 = Popularity of Soulja Boy
1:26 - 1:29 = Judson Laipply
1:30 - 1:36 = Chocolate Rain
1:47 - 1:55 = Daft Hands/Bodies
2:06 - 2:07 = Kiscesie
2:28 - 2:34 = Liam Kyle Sullivan
2:43 - 2:44 = Peanut Butter Jelly Time
2:53 - 2:54 = Will it Blend?


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